A lesson for lifetime

Well i really couldn’t say am on a happy go lucky side, but am sure i will be fine.

Life teaches you a lot of lesson. Some lesson are taught by your dear ones, some that you might see around and some through really bad experiences. It depends on how every individual decide to take it. Recently i happend to attend a leadership training class and something which the resource person said really made me think was true. Every person in our life has either been a blessing or a lesson. Interesting right. Sometimes its so that we fail to realize what we do and what we say how much it really hurts others. Be it your best friend or relative. As humans we are all weak to emotions. What is the basic affection that every human craves for, its love. Love is something we all need and love is all that we want. Many of us in todays busy world wanna be loved and cared for, and for that be it any extend we wouldn’t mind going. Do we actually think how much of an impact we are leaving back in the minds of others??? Be it small or big, once an impact is created then nothing can change it, and if anything has to change god himself has to work some miracle.

While am on the processes of becoming a missionary for a year. There is this 1 month training that will be held in thailand. I guess i had it mentioned in the previous post.For now i have come down to dubai cause its from where i will be going for my mission. Well to my utmost suprise, everybody was waiting for me to just get back so i could tell them what really inspired me to take up this 1 year commitment. It was a momment of excitment and at the same time scary. After getting back from india, from an atmosphere of complete laziness to a world were am pre-occupied, i found it hard to choose what my priority was. This was the time when i got to spend some real quality time with a long lost friend of mine who happend to be my compaion for the training. It was so shocking that there were a lot of things that were pretty common in us. We made it a point that we meet up daily till the day we go off for our training. While i was listening to her story she had mentioned that she was in fact going through a real tough time and how beautifully the lord almighty was helping her cope up with her worries. I had heard from others friends of mine too that once we take a decision there will many situation were we would be judge and put into lot of trials. So on hearing this, i decided to strenghten my personal relationship with jesus. I took up a decision to go for mass daily, read the gospel and reflect on it. Well i didnt really know what was making me do all this because am someone who could fluctuate easily and decision change by minute, but somehow i had this sudden urge to call the lord and to strengthen my long lost faith in him.

It so happend that one fine day last week, an incident happend in my life. It was my mistake and if you ask me why i did it, i probably would have no answer to that cause somethings just happen, and we really wouldn’t have any explaination to give for it. This little incident took me to a level were one of my very dear and close friend broke her friendship with me. I should say i was lost and all i know is that my heart felt heavy, so heavy that i thought it might explode for a second, but that was it. Trust me that was it. I felt that heaviness just for sometime and i felt this sudden calmness in me. It was more like some force within kept me really calm and a voice inside kept saying forgive her and leave it to me.

Forgiveness and depending on god was the exact reflection i had that day and the previous days when i reflected upon the gospel i had read. Even though when i got dumped by my best friend somehow i didnt feel trashed or thrown away. I should say from that very minute i felt my heart being filled with the unconditional love of jesus. I know my mistake and as humans some mistakes that our friends make can’t be forgiven by humans in their thinking, but who are we to judge them??? If the lord himself could forgive those who persecuted him, then who gives us the right to punish others and decide if forgiveness should be given to them or not. It was then that i realised why i was put through intense personal prayer which made me get closer to God and feel the power of his mighty love and how much more unconditional and compassionate he is in giving it. When we all make mistakes do we realise how much we are hurting the lord who created us??? If he has send us to earth its cause he wants to fullfill his purpose through us and not make him the instrument to fullfill our purpose.

We are all Gods handmade and unique. Each of our thumb print are different and so our looks and talents. The greatess gift of God is to love and be loved, for the lord himself has told us ” love your neighbours just has i have loved you”. How many of us are actually doing this in real life.

Its true nobody is perfect but nothing stops us from attaining perfection. For perfection can only be attained through mistakes, and as humans its our birth right to make mistakes, provided we learn from them. I can boldly say that what i am now, is cause of all the mistakes that i have commited in my past intentionaly or accidently, and now its teaching me a big lesson. Sometimes we learn lessons the hard way, and for me many of my lesson in life were taught to me the hard way cause when am given an initial warning i take it for granted and its goes on till bang!!! i get this real hard and bad knock on my head, and thats how its for me.

But i must say, life is very beautiful with me now. Its like everyday i wake thanking the Lord for letting me see another beautiful day and asking his grace to be able to face the day with wisdom and courage. Sometimes losing someone makes us realise how much we have compremised on our priorities. I am not saying we should be self centred and not cater to others but we must know what our priorities are and set them in such a manner that later we don’t have to regret.

Its almost 4 am and such a blessed night. For days have i been wanting to say this prayer of Divine Mercy at 3 am and bloging was one way that helped me stay awake and at sharp 3 am i was able to say the prayer. I had never even thought of blogging today, infact i had this very dear friend of mine David who happend to read my blog and said i could do wonders and inspire people. I must thank him cause he was one reason that i felt i should blog.

See these are some small yet amazing ways that God gets you closer to him, how much of a sinner you maybe, every child, every youth, every adult is special to him. For me now through David i was able to blog and by blogging i was able to say the 3 o’clock Divine Mercy prayer which i have been longing to say. See how everything turned out to be a blessing!!! Like me i bet everyone of you must have had some way or some people through whom you were blessed. All you need to do is jus spend some time of the 24 hours that you have, for your creator and thank him for giving you another beautiful day to live.

Well i guess thats all for now, i should be back soon till then good night


Human and Emotions

One day while sitting through my usual boring lectures, i thought of writing down some random thoughts that was going through my mind.

One such thought that went across my mind was about humans and their emotions. We need a lot of love and attention. In other words we are called as emotional beings. What happens when we break up from a relationship? How do we cope up after a bad break up? Well, this little piece of work is something what i have discovered and i felt, i should share it here.

Everybody at some point in their life’s goes through an emotional phase where we feel left out and lonely, get into bad mood swings, put up a grumpy face and expect people to read us though. So much do we expect from people, how much do we give them? Man is selfish when it comes their own personal thing and when emotions are involved then its twice the attention they seek.  Being in a relationship is fun and joyful but what can also end up in painful break ups. When this happens people find it really hard to cope up.

                          Recently i happen to read this book “can love happen twice” by ravinder singh. This is the kind of book which most humans can relate to their life’s at some point. Its about the author himself, were he is narrating his love story and how love happend to him for the 2nd time. It was so touching that by the end i was left with tears. must watch

I would say this book is a must watch because it really touchs the the emotional areas and gives you like a wake up ring to understand others feelings better.

We all need attention, we all need an ear to listen and we all wished if we had somebody who we could just share all our problems and happiness, but in today’s world people are so busy and occupied, that relations and commitments are just 2 words with no meaning. Often we fail to realize who we really need and whom we don’t and this is what leads us to wrong relationships. We should always be careful when we choose people who we want to confide to. From my personal experience i can say we should never go behind and make too much effort to get close to somebody who doesn’t want us, provided we stay with people who make us feel special and wanted. But what happens when its with an opposite sex? When its a guy whom your close to and makes you feel special and wanted? We fall in love right. Yes, we fall in love . We start having some special affection towards him, even if he/she might be the worst/best or average looking person, as far as they touch the emotional side of you then nothing else matters. This is why we are called as emotional being. Haven’t we all thought why this happens or keeps happening? We fall in love love then at some point break up, then again fall in love and this episode keeps repeating. Do you know what happens in the end? Most cases people loss hope in love, other cases people suicide because they feel they are not worth living anymore and in other cases they gradually with the help of their friends and family cope up with the situation.

Here are few tips that i feel you could do to cope up with a bad break up.

  1. Its perfectly fine to be sad for a while      

See its perfectly alright to be sad for some time as you are entering into a new phase of life were you have to be alone without the person whom you deeply cared for.  You have all your rights to stay sad and a little emotional, it shows there may be some things that you miss which you loved so much in that person.

2.  Talk to your close friends.

Sharing whats in your mind itself will make you feel a lot better. Talk to a friend who knows you in and out. Somebody you know will make you feel better and supports you. Tell them how you feel and whatever is in your mind. Talking your heart out is one of the best medicines that which could be used to get over a bad relation.

3.  Try to hangout with  singles.

You must be having a lot of friends who are dating and single. If your out of a bad relation, try and avoid hanging out with friends who are dating.  You know they will be coupling around when you all hangout and that  will make you feel really miserable and emotional again.

4.  Get ride of things that might remind you of them.

Start of with letters and sms’s  that you must have saved or kept to keep referring each time you missed them. Throw away all the tiny gifts and card that you have. Just get ride of everything. The best way could be to just flush it off. 😀

5.  Do the things they restricted you from.

When you are in a relation you tend to listen to them more that yourself. Even the things you love to do the most will be restricted by them. Do all that and show them how better of you are without them.

6.   Be a little cold hearted.

It might sound harsh but its always better not to give your ex’s a soft corner when they are emotional and sad. Let them get a share of their own medicine. Let them learn to deal with the situation alone or with their friends like how you did.

7.  Spend time with family.

Family is something which no relation can be compared to. Spend time with your family and be with you parents whnever possible because times like this won’t happen again. When you can make the maximum of it.

8.  Learn something from the relationship.

                   Every relation teachs us something. There will be some reason for them to leave us or for us to make a decision to leave them. We all have our flaws and realizing them and correcting them could help us when we get into the next relationship. By learning we know were we went wrong and what would be done in order to not repeat them again.

  Now comes a piece of my advice, i have been through relationships and have heard a lot too from my friends. and all the emotional drama they go through  and this is what i tell them. Our lives are precious and nobody has the right to ruin it. We are all sensitive and emotional,  but one thing we should realize is, nobody is alone. You know why after a break up we feel left out and lonely its because we gave up everything for that one person whom we love the most and when we lose them its like a part of us is gone. This is why we should always be careful while choosing the person whom we decide to commit with. When you commit it doesn’t mean you ignore others who was there with you all this while. Its equal to ditching, and when this happens to you, remember there wont be anyone.

I guess this is all that i wanted to say, i hope it must have struck some cord in those who read it . Have a happy day ahead guys.
